Friday, April 3, 2009

It's not the promised land anymore...

Until today I have generally been proud to call myself an Iowan. I live in a state where the majority of people are social conservatives or people who just jump on the bandwagon. There are some liberal activists, but generally speaking there are more conservatives. And yet today the Iowa supreme court decided that what is best for Iowa is that the minority gets their way, and so gay marriage has become legal in the state that I love. Liberal judges who we did not elect to represent anyone, but rather to decide whether or not people were following the law, have decided that the law was not good enough, and have now condemned Iowa for at least three years of Gay Marriage being legal (unless the democrats actually decide to discuss it in congress this session, as if that would happen). We now live in the fourth state in the USA to allow Gay Marriage. What happened to the values of the heartland? It is a beautiful day outside, but I can see the storm clouds. This has become a battleground, and no matter what the judges have decided this case is anything but closed. The problem is that now people will see Iowa as a rallying point in their cause. It will be inviting for Gay people to come here and get married, and they will not want to leave. Well I know where I stand. I stand behind my God, who says that it is an abomination, and I stand behind my country, no matter how deluded the leaders may be. Because if everyone who was displeased with the leaders were to leave there wouold be no chance of the country ever getting back to where it needs to be. This is not an issue of discomfort about homosexuality, it is an issue of the fact that God knows better, and I will follow what God says. My twin brother and father are both living a gay lifestyle, and because I love my brother it was very difficult for me to decide to follow Christ, because I did not want to have to admit that my brother's lifestyle is wrong. But I will not deny that God knows best. I will not stand by while this country that was founded by Christian men is changed by people who don't care what God says, or even if he exists. It is an outrage to see that ungodly people are the ones making the decidions in this country that was founded on Godly principles. I'm aware that I will have upset some people, but I don't care. My life's ambition is not to please men, it is to follow the word of God until the day that I die.

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