Monday, April 6, 2009

My thoughts on handling Death

I'm going to say something that sounds horrible, but I know that everyone who has been in the same situation as me will understand, and quite possibly agree. I am so tired of my friends telling me to pray. My friends who know that my faith in the Lord is not going anywhere think that the best thing they can tell me to do after my Grandmother dies is to pray. Do they think I haven't done that already?! I know that they're trying to help, but they have no idea what my thoughts or feelings are about the whole situation. Not just my grandmother's death, but her funeral as well. I will have to see my father for the first time in over a year, along with the man that he left my family for. I know just how bad the funeral will be for me, because I'm the only conservative in my family, and every time we all get together they seem to think that discussing religion and politics with me is a good idea. I'm not stupid, and I could easily crush any of them i a debate, but they have no interest in being civilized. All they want is someone to take their anger out on, and it always ends up being me. So yes, I have been praying. A lot. I spent over an hour last night just driving around and talking to God as soon as I heard. My first reaction was to spend time with God to discuss it.
The hardest part about my grandma dying is that I don't know whether or not she was a Christian. I have no idea whether or not my Grandma is in Heaven or Hell, and the first thing that people ask me when I share that she died was, "Oh, I'm sorry. Is she saved?" I have no idea, and I hate that. How can I go to the funeral not knowing whether to mourn or rejoice for my own grandma. I know everyone else will be mourning. It's easy to mourn when you don't believe in Heaven. But I think that it's harder to not know than it is to know that they are in Hell. And some of you reading this are thinking that there's something wrong with me right now. You're thinking that you would rather have hope than know for sure that they are suffering. Well this is how I feel, so forget about what you think is better and focus on the fact that these are my feelings. You're entitled to your opinion, but I really don't care what it is. I don't want to have to go through my life wondering if I will ever see my grandma again, annd the same is true for my grandpa who died last year. I don't want to have to wait fifty or sixty years to know whether or not I'll see them. That's fifty-sixty years of building up hope only to be disappointed.
I understand that God is still sovereign, and that prayer and scripture are good in a time of trial, but if you spend all of your time trying to help a mourning friend talking to them about parying and sharing verses you fail as a friend. I know that sounds harsh, but it's true. You need to ask someone how they feel. Ask them to share what they think before you try to share a verse that you know will be good for their situation when you don't even know what their situation is.
I don't mean to sound unappreciative, I just want to make it clear that I know the verses and I know that I need to pray. I just want people to understand that they need to know the situation before they can truly try to help.


  1. Let me just say that I understand how you feel about your father. I have been through the funeral and seeing your father thing, it was before I was Christian though. At my granddad's funeral I wanted nothing to do with my father, I refused to talk to him (Not a good idea, that just made things worse). Just keep in mind that you do have people to talk to, and that makes the pain more bearable. If you dont talk about it and hold it inside, then the pain will always be there. Yeah, I guess that is all I have to say... Have a good day! :)

  2. i have definitely been there on the not knowing where they are thing. My mom died when i was 15 before i became a christian and while part of me wants to believe she is in heaven for what i remember of her my fear is that i DO in fact know where she is and that is hell. I could be wrong and pleasantly surprised someday but i can't hold out hope that that is true. I've been there and still am but i hope it helps that someone at least kinda understands.
    ~ Jen E.

  3. I don't think your crazy, I understand. I am honestly heart broken for your family. I have also unsaved family members and I am just scared at the time they will go. For me and you, and all of our brothers and sisters, PTL because we will be with Him.
