Monday, February 9, 2009

Summer of 2009

Up until just a week ago my thought for this summer was that I would stay here in des Moines and do whatever I could to get by for housing, but last Monday an idea popped into my head that I was so sure in that it felt like it had been there for my whole life. Aster this school year is over I am eligible to be a counselor at the bible camp that I went to as a kid, and so I am going to apply there. As of this point I have only recieved positive feedback on this idea, though it is possible that there will be someone who tells me that I should stay. this is a wonderful opportunity for me because I can use it to share the love of God with hundreds of strangers over the course of the summer, and I can't imagine anything that would be a better usage of my time. I would not only get free room and board all summer, but I would also be getting paid more than twice what I am getting at the library. It seems that this idea could be a great thing if i comes to pass, though I won't know until the beginning of March. I can only pray that the Lord will use me as He sees fit and that whatever ends up happening will be His will. My own ideas about the future have been challenged in the last few weeks, and I have no idea where the Lord will take me this summer, let alone the rest of my life. Whether or not he will keep me in Des Moines or have me go somewhere else; or if he will have me continue what I am doing or do some other kind of ministry. All I know for certain is that as long as God loves me I will go where he leads me, and I will live my life for him, at whatever personal cost I am charged.

1 comment:

  1. We talked about this last night, awesome opportunity, *positive feedback* but yes, remember that God does know the best spot for you for this summer and the whole life... isn't great knowing it isn't up to us? absolutely amazing!
